Skipton Public Art Project

The Skipton Public Art Project has given the town two new sources of pride: a sculpture at Park and a mural at the main intersection.
‘Platypus Rising’ is a four-metre-high sculpture was installed at Stewart Park on the Queen’s Birthday weekend in 2022.
Four patinated aluminium platypuses appear to swim upwards around reeds made of Corten steel which will organically develop a surface layer of corrosion from exposure to moisture and air.
Artist Mike Makatron designed the sculpture after meeting with townsfolk and learning what made the community tick.
His mural on the Anderson Street side of Emu Creek Deli and Gifts includes eucalyptus leaves and florals that are found in the Skipton region, as well as the iconic platypus, and the sculpture reflects the reeds in the nearby creek.
To see images of the sculpture under construction, go to