Luke Reynolds

Luke Reynolds, Pomborneit Cricket Club Secretary, Junior Co-Ordinator
The Pomborneit Cricket Club is in a strong position as it emerges from a decade of rebuilding.
From no juniors in 2009 to now fielding four junior boys and three junior girls’ teams, the club is enjoying the fruits of persistence.
When the club’s junior numbers fell to rock bottom, stalwarts focused their efforts on nurturing the club back to its reputation as the social and recreational heart of the Pomborneit community.
That culture was pivotal in Luke Reynold’s life since his own junior cricket days as a 12-year-old. So much so, that his involvement continued after moving away from Pomborneit.
“I grew up at Pomborneit and lived 27 years in the area before moving to Barongarook where I work. I drive past other cricket clubs to get back to Pomborneit. I love the place too much,” Luke says of the several trips each week during the cricket season.
“The club culture has inspired me, right back to the early days of the club being a family club. Creating atmosphere for your family.”
Key to the club’s growth was the introduction of women’s and girls’ competitions, now providing a complete pathway of cricket for boys and girls, men and women of all ages and abilities.
“We have attracted new membership with those programs.
“We are in a strong position with about 120 active playing members. But we are not taking it for granted. You have to keep working hard at it – and as a volunteer, you get a lot out of it.”
The Pomborneit Cricket Club continues its mantra of giving everyone a “fair go”. The club, established in 1883, has its eye on the ball, as it strives to keep the club atmosphere alive and the chase for premiership glory continues.